
Odds Melodifestivalen 2025: Top 4


Who will finish in Top 4 at Melodifestivalen 2025?

Bookmakers have predicted Måns Zelmerlöw, KAJ, Greczula and Klara Hammarström

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1Måns Zelmerlöw - Revolution72%11
2KAJ - Bara bada bastu71%
3Greczula - Believe Me61%
4Klara Hammarström - On and On and On46%1.81.751.41.4
5Erik Segerstedt - Show Me What Love Is33%
6Scarlet - Sweet N' Psycho30%
7Meira Omar - Hush Hush28%3.52.552.252.25
8John Lundvik - Voice of the Silent20%33.2544
9Maja Ivarsson - Kamikaze Life18%55.533
10Dolly Style - Yihaa10%7688
11Saga Ludvigsson - Hate You So Much8%11888
12Annika Wickihalder - Life Again5%11141414
verified (CET)20:0820:1821:3321:33
Who will finish in Top 4 at Melodifestivalen 2025? The odds are collected from bookmakers that have odds on Melodifestivalen 2025: Top 4. We don't provide any bets on these odds. We have commercial relationships with some of the bookmakers. We can not guarantee the availability or accuracy of odds or offers. Check with the bookmaker before signing up. The odds are subject to change, and can be seen as bookmakers' prediction of the betting: Who will finish in Top 4 at Melodifestivalen 2025?

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