Melodifestivalen 2025:
Saga Ludvigsson - "Hate You So Much"
Hate You So Much
One day I met this boy
With blue sparkling eyes
I went oh my my
Oh my my god
I didn't stand a chance
I melted in his hands
Like oh my my
Oh my my god
There I was
In denial
Thinking that I had it all
And you
Did your very best
To make sure I would fall
Like a slap in the face
You told me this ain't gonna work
In the same breath you asked me to wait
I hate you so much
So much
So much
I hate you
Yes I hate you
So much
You think I'll wait by the door
For you to come home
Like oh my my
Oh my my god
Who do you think you are
Playing with my heart
Like oh my my
Oh my my god
Like a slap in the face
You told me this ain't gonna work
Do you really think I would wait
I hate you so much
So much
So much
I hate you
Yes I hate you
You won't get another shot with me
In a hundred years
You still wouldn't get me back
You won't get another shot with me, no
Cause I hate you
Yes I hate you
There I was
In denial
Thinking that I had it all
And you
Did your very best
To make sure I would fall
Like a slap in the face
You told me this ain't gonna work
In the same breath you asked me to wait
I hate you so much
So much
So much
I hate you
Yes I hate you
You won't get another shot with me
In a hundred years
You still wouldn't get me back
You won't get another shot with me
Cause I hate you
Yeѕ I hаte you
So much
Sizdan juda nafratlanaman
Bir kuni men bu bolani uchratdim
Ko'k yorqin ko'zlari bilan
Men ketdi, oh mening mening
Oh, mening Xudoyim
Menda imkoniyat yo'q edi
Men uning qo'llarida eriydi
Oh mening kabi
Oh, mening Xudoyim
Men u erda edim
Inkor etish
Menda hamma narsa bor deb o'ylayman
Qo'lingizdan kelganicha harakat qildi
Men yiqilishimga ishonch hosil qilish uchun
Yuziga bir mag'lubiyat kabi
Siz menga bu ishlamaydi deb aytdingiz
Shu nafasda siz kutishni so'radingiz
Men sizdan juda nafratlanaman
Juda ko'p
Juda ko'p
Sizni yomon ko'raman
Ha men sizdan nafratlanaman
Juda ko'p
Siz men eshik oldida kutaman deb o'ylaysiz
Uyga qaytishing uchun
Oh mening kabi
Oh, mening Xudoyim
Siz o'zingizni kim deb o'ylaysiz
Yuragim bilan
Oh mening kabi
Oh, mening Xudoyim
Yuziga bir mag'lubiyat kabi
Siz menga bu ishlamaydi deb aytdingiz
Siz haqiqatan ham kutaman deb o'ylaysizmi?
Men sizdan juda nafratlanaman
Juda ko'p
Juda ko'p
Sizni yomon ko'raman
Ha men sizdan nafratlanaman
Siz men bilan boshqa zarba olmaysiz
Yuz yil ichida
Siz hali ham meni qaytarib olmaysiz
Siz men bilan boshqa zarba olmaysiz, yo'q
Chunki men sizdan nafratlanaman
Ha men sizdan nafratlanaman
Men u erda edim
Inkor etish
Menda hamma narsa bor deb o'ylayman
Qo'lingizdan kelganicha harakat qildi
Men yiqilishimga ishonch hosil qilish uchun
Yuziga bir mag'lubiyat kabi
Siz menga bu ishlamaydi deb aytdingiz
Shu nafasda siz kutishni so'radingiz
Men sizdan juda nafratlanaman
Juda ko'p
Juda ko'p
Sizni yomon ko'raman
Ha men sizdan nafratlanaman
Siz men bilan boshqa zarba olmaysiz
Yuz yil ichida
Siz hali ham meni qaytarib olmaysiz
Siz men bilan boshqa zarba olmaysiz
Chunki men sizdan nafratlanaman
Yeѕ I hate you
Judа ko'p
Artist | Saga Ludvigsson |
Title | Hate You So Much |
Songwriters | Herman Gardarfve, Lisa Desmond, Saga Ludvigsson |
Language | English |