Eurovision 2021 Estonia:
Uku Suviste - "The Lucky One"
The Lucky One
Wonder if it ever crossed your mind
That what we had was really unbelievable
Unbeatable, a miracle
Why'd you have to go and mess it up
Why'd you have to make what was unbreakable
Shakeable, unsaveable
Now it is too late to cross your fingers
I am wide awake and not a dreamer
Hate it but it seems the dreams were never true
For a little while the fates were with us
Wonder why they had to turn against us
I could make a wish but there is no use
I can feel
Even though i'm numb
The change to come
Will hurt someone
I can see
This time it isn't me
I might be
The lucky one
I don't need a crystal ball to show me
Baby it is plain that you don't know me
When it comes to you I'm better off alone
I don't need a crystal ball to make me
Realize that if I stay you'll break me
Every sign is saying I should be gone
I should be gone
Thought I had a cloud over my head
It had to be my fault that it kept raining down
Until now I figured out
That if I had the nerve to say goodbye
I could look for clearer skies up over head
Weather says
Sun instead
I don't need a crystal ball to show me
Baby it is plain that you don't know me
When it comes to you I'm better off alone
I don't need a crystal ball to make me
Realize that if I stay you'll break me
Every sign is saying I should be gone
I should be gone
I can feel
Even though I'm numb
The change to come
Will hurt someone
I can see
This time it isn't me
I might be
The lucky one
I don't need a crystal ball to show me
Baby it is plain that you don't know me
When it comes to you I'm better off alone
I don't need a crystal ball to make me
Realize that if I stay you'll break me
Every sign is sаying I should be gone
I ѕhould be gone
Te întrebi dacă ți-a trecut vreodată prin minte
Că ceea ce aveam era cu adevărat incredibil
Imbatabil, o minune
De ce a trebuit să strici totul
De ce a trebuit să faci ceea ce era indestructibil
Să devină instabil, nesalvabil
Acum este prea târziu să-ți încrucișezi degetele
Sunt complet treaz și nu un visător
Îmi displace, dar se pare că visele nu au fost niciodată reale
Pentru o vreme, soarta a fost de partea noastră
Mă întreb de ce a trebuit să se întoarcă împotriva noastră
Aș putea să fac o dorință, dar nu are rost
Pot simți
Chiar dacă sunt amorțit
Schimbarea care va veni
Va răni pe cineva
Pot vedea
De data aceasta nu sunt eu
Aș putea fi
Nu am nevoie de o bilă de cristal să-mi arate
Iubire, este clar că nu mă cunoști
Când vine vorba de tine, sunt mai bine singur
Nu am nevoie de o bilă de cristal să-mi spună
Să-mi dau seama că dacă rămân, mă vei distruge
Fiecare semn spune că ar trebui să plec
Ar trebui să plec
Am crezut că aveam un nor deasupra capului
Trebuia să fie vina mea că tot ploua
Până acum am realizat
Că dacă aș avea curajul să spun la revedere
Aș putea căuta ceruri mai clare deasupra
Vremea spune
Soare în schimb
Nu am nevoie de o bilă de cristal să-mi arate
Iubire, este clar că nu mă cunoști
Când vine vorba de tine, sunt mai bine singur
Nu am nevoie de o bilă de cristal să-mi spună
Să-mi dau seama că dacă rămân, mă vei distruge
Fiecare semn spune că ar trebui să plec
Ar trebui să plec
Pot simți
Chiar dacă sunt amorțit
Schimbarea care va veni
Va răni pe cineva
Pot vedea
De data aceasta nu sunt eu
Aș putea fi
Nu am nevoie de o bilă de cristal să-mi arate
Iubire, este clar că nu mă cunoști
Când vine vorba de tine, sunt mai bine singur
Nu am nevoie de o bilă de cristal să-mi spună
Să-mi dau seama că dacă rămân, mă vei distruge
Fiecare semn spune că аr trebui să plec
Ar trebui ѕă plec
Интересно, тебе приходило когда-нибудь в голову?
Что у нас было что-то невероятное
Нерушимое, чудо
Зачем нужно было все портить
Ты уничтожила то, что было неподступным
Несокрушимым, неспасаемым
Теперь поздно надеяться
Я проснулся и больше не верю в мечты
Ненавижу, что наши иллюзии не были правдой
Было время, когда судьба нам благоволила
Но представь, что она отвернулась от нас
Я хочу загадать желание, но оно не исполнится
Я чувствую
Даже через онемение
Грядут перемены
Которые кого-то ранят
Я вижу
Это не мое время
Может быть
Я счастливчик
Мне не нужен хрустальный шар, который покажет мне будущее
Детка, очевидно, ты не знаешь меня
Когда ты приходишь ко мне, я понимаю смысл одиночества
Мне не нужен хрустальный шар, чтобы сделать
Меня свободным, даже если ты останешься и сломаешь меня
Каждый знак говорит мне, чтобы я уходил
Я должен уйти
Сквозь облака надо мной
Идет дождь, не прекращающийся по моей вине
Я не понимал
Если мне хватит смелости попрощаться
Я взгляну в чистое небо
И погода изменится
На солнечную
Мне не нужен хрустальный шар, который покажет мне будущее
Детка, очевидно, ты не знаешь меня
Когда ты приходишь ко мне, я понимаю смысл одиночества
Мне не нужен хрустальный шар, чтобы сделать
Меня свободным, даже если ты останешься и сломаешь меня
Каждый знак говорит мне, чтобы я уходил
Я должен уйти
Я чувствую
Даже через онемение
Грядут перемены
Которые кого-то ранят
Я вижу
Это не мое время
Может быть
Я счастливчик
Мне не нужен хрустальный шар, который покажет мне будущее
Детка, очевидно, ты не знаешь меня
Когда ты приходишь ко мне, я понимаю смысл одиночества
Мне не нужен хрустальный шар, чтобы сделать
Меня свободным, даже если ты останешься и сломаешь меня
Каждый знак говорит мне, чтобы я уходил
Я должен уйти
- Uku Suviste
- Estonia 2019: jury member
- Kaarel Orumägi
- Laura-Liisa Veiler
- Uku Suviste (see Artist)
- Sharon Vaughn
- Moldova 2021: Sugar (lyricist)
- Greece 2021: Last Dance (lyricist)
- Russia 2019: Scream (lyricist)
- Ireland 2012: Waterline (composer, lyricist)
- Uku Suviste (see Artist)
- Dan Shipton
- Austria 2024: We Will Rave (stage director)
- Cyprus 2024: Liar (stage director)
- Germany 2024: Always on the Run (stage director)
- Armenia 2022: Snap (stage director)
- Austria 2022: Halo (stage director)
- Cyprus 2022: Ela (stage director)
- Germany 2022: Rockstars (stage director)
- United Kingdom 2022: Space Man (stage director)
- Israel 2022: I.M (stage director)
- Austria 2021: Amen (stage director)
- Bulgaria 2021: Growing Up Is Getting Old (stage director)
- Cyprus 2021: El Diablo (stage director)
- Czechia 2021: Omaga (stage director)
- Spain 2021: Voy A Quedarme (stage director)
- Croatia 2021: Tick-Tock (stage director)
- United Kingdom 2018: Storm (stage director)
- United Kingdom 2017: Never Give Up on You (stage director)
- United Kingdom 2016: You're Not Alone (stage director)
- United Kingdom 2015: Still in Love with You (stage director)
- Marvin Dietmann
- Austria 2024: We Will Rave (stage director)
- Cyprus 2024: Liar (stage director)
- Germany 2024: Always on the Run (stage director)
- Armenia 2023: Future Lover (stage director)
- Austria 2023: Who The Hell Is Edgar? (stage director)
- Australia 2023: Promise (stage director)
- Cyprus 2023: Break a Broken Heart (stage director)
- Germany 2023: Blood & Glitter (stage director)
- United Kingdom 2023: I Wrote A Song (stage director)
- Georgia 2023: Echo (stage director)
- Armenia 2022: Snap (stage director)
- Austria 2022: Halo (stage director)
- Cyprus 2022: Ela (stage director)
- Germany 2022: Rockstars (stage director)
- United Kingdom 2022: Space Man (stage director)
- Israel 2022: I.M (stage director)
- Austria 2021: Amen (stage director)
- Bulgaria 2021: Growing Up Is Getting Old (stage director)
- Cyprus 2021: El Diablo (stage director)
- Czechia 2021: Omaga (stage director)
- Spain 2021: Voy A Quedarme (stage director)
- Croatia 2021: Tick-Tock (stage director)
- Austria 2018: Nobody But You (stage director)
- Austria 2017: Running On Air (stage director)
- Germany 2017: Perfect Life (stage director)
- Austria 2016: Loin d'ici (stage director)
- Austria 2015: I Am Yours (stage director)
- Austria 2014: Rise Like a Phoenix (stage director)
- Austria 2013: Shine (stage director)
- Austria 2012: Woki Mit Deim Popo (stage director)
- Bulgaria 2011: Na Inat (stage director)
- SissiReal name: Sissi Nylia Benita
- Aleksandr Hobotov (Russian)
- Estonia 2024: commentator
- Estonia 2022: commentator
- Estonia 2019: commentator
- Julia Kalenda (Russian)
- Estonia 2024: commentator
- Estonia 2022: commentator
- Estonia 2019: commentator
- Marko Reikop
- Estonia 2024: commentator
- Estonia 2023: commentator
- Estonia 2022: commentator
- Estonia 2019: commentator
- Estonia 2018: commentator
- Estonia 2017: commentator
- Estonia 2016: commentator
- Estonia 2015: commentator
- Estonia 2014: commentator
- Estonia 2013: commentator
- Estonia 2012: commentator
- Estonia 2011: commentator
- Estonia 2010: commentator
- Estonia 2009: commentator
- Estonia 2008: commentator
- Estonia 2007: commentator
- Estonia 2006: commentator
- Estonia 2005: commentator
- Estonia 2004: commentator
- Estonia 2003: commentator
- Estonia 2002: commentator
- Estonia 2001: commentator
- Estonia 2000: commentator
- Estonia 1999: commentator
- Birgit SarrapAlso known as: Birgit Õigemeel
- Estonia 2024: spokesperson
- Estonia 2013: Et Uus Saaks Alguse (artist)
- Dave BentonReal name: Efren Eugene Benita
- Estonia 2001: Everybody (artist)
- Elina Born
- Estonia 2015: Goodbye to Yesterday (artist)
- Karl-Ander Reismann
- Estonia 2022: Hope (composer)
- Stig RästaReal name: Raul-Stig Rästa
- Estonia 2019: Storm (backing, composer, lyricist)
- Estonia 2016: Play (composer, lyricist)
- Estonia 2015: Goodbye to Yesterday (artist, composer, lyricist)