Eurovision 2020 Moldova:
Natalia Gordienko - "Prison"
Eurovision 2020 was cancelled
I don't want to feel you
I don't want to feel you this close
I don't want to hold you
Do I want to hold or let go
I don't want to fight the night
Inside with you
I am surrounded by walls
Covered with all your memories
Wish this were solitary no
Walking with me in the halls
So, there is no forgetting
I know you 'll never let me
I don't want to be with you
I don't want to be without you
I don't want to be with you
I don't want to be without you
I can't escape from this
Love is a fool's prison
I don't want to need you
I don't want to seem so desperate
I don't want tell you
I don't want to hear it's useless
I don't want to fight the night
Inside with you
I am surrounded by walls
Covered with all your memories
Wish this were solitary
I don't want to be with you
I don't want to be without you
I don't want to be with you
I don't want to be without you
I can't escape from this
Love is a fool's prison
I can't escape from this
Love is а fool's priѕon
Nu vreau să te simt
Nu vreau să te simt atât de aproape
Nu vreau să te ţin
Vreau să țin sau să las să plece
Nu vreau să lupt noaptea
Înăuntru cu tine
Sunt înconjurat de ziduri
Acoperită cu toate amintirile tale
Mi-aș dori ca acest lucru să fie solitar nr
Mergând cu mine în holuri
Deci, nu există nici o uitare
Știu că nu mă vei lăsa niciodată
Nu vreau să fiu cu tine
Nu vreau să fiu fără tine
Nu vreau să fiu cu tine
Nu vreau să fiu fără tine
Nu pot scăpa de asta
Dragostea este închisoare prostului
Nu vreau să am nevoie de tine
Nu vreau să par atât de disperat
Nu vreau să-ţi spun
Nu vreau să aud că e inutil
Nu vreau să lupt noaptea
Înăuntru cu tine
Sunt înconjurat de ziduri
Acoperită cu toate amintirile tale
Mi-aș dori să fie solitar
Nu vreau să fiu cu tine
Nu vreau să fiu fără tine
Nu vreau să fiu cu tine
Nu vreau să fiu fără tine
Nu pot scăpa de asta
Dragostea este închisoare prostului
Nu pot scăpa de asta
Dragostea este închisoаre proѕtului
- Dimitris Kontopoulos (Δημήτρης Κοντόπουλος)
- Cyprus 2025: (song by Theo Evan) (composer, lyricist)
- Cyprus 2024: Liar (composer)
- Greece 2021: Last Dance (composer, lyricist)
- Moldova 2021: Sugar (composer)
- Greece 2020: Superg!rl (composer, lyricist)
- Russia 2019: Scream (composer)
- Azerbaijan 2018: X My Heart (composer)
- Greece 2017: This is Love (composer)
- Russia 2016: You Are the Only One (composer)
- Russia 2014: Shine (composer)
- Azerbaijan 2013: Hold Me (composer)
- Greece 2009: This Is Our Night (composer)
- Ukraine 2008: Shady Lady (composer)
- Belarus 2007: Work Your Magic (composer)
- Philipp Kirkorov (Филипп Киркоров)Real name: Philipp Bedrosovich Kirkorov (Фили́пп Бедро́сович Кирко́ров)
- Moldova 2021: Sugar (composer)
- Russia 2019: Scream (composer)
- Moldova 2018: My Lucky Day (composer)
- Russia 2016: You Are the Only One (composer)
- Russia 2014: Shine (composer)
- Russia 2009: commentator
- Ukraine 2008: Shady Lady (composer)
- Belarus 2007: Work Your Magic (composer)
- Russia 1997: commentator
- Russia 1995: Kolybelnaya Dlya Vulkana (artist)
- Sharon Vaughn
- Moldova 2021: Sugar (lyricist)
- Greece 2021: Last Dance (lyricist)
- Estonia 2021: The Lucky One (lyricist)
- Estonia 2020: What Love Is (composer, lyricist)
- Greece 2020: Superg!rl (lyricist)
- Russia 2019: Scream (lyricist)
- Ireland 2012: Waterline (composer, lyricist)