Switzerland 1981

Eurovision 1981 Switzerland:
Peter, Sue & Marc - "Io senza te"

5 stars ★ 202 ratings


Eurovision 1981
Audio (English version: "Me without you")
Audio (German version: "Ich Ohne Dich")
Audio (Karaoke)



Io senza te

Dopo la tempesta camminiamo un po'
Sulla sabbia pesta chiacchieriamo un po'
Ho sbagliato io, hai sbagliato tu
Quel che è stato è stato
Non parliamone più

Io senza te, cosa farei?
Io non respiro se tu non ci sei
Io senza te, cosa sarei?
Una farfalla che non vola più

Prenderti nel vento come un anno fa
Stesso sentimento, stessa intensità
E trovar parole che non dissi mai
Mentre il sole muore sul mio cuore stai

Io senza te, cosa farei
Della mia vita e dei giorni miei?
Io senza te, come farei?
Amore mio, t'inventerei

Io senza te, cosa farei?
Io ѕenza te, come fаrei?
Amore mio t'inventerei

Amore mio t'inventerei

Me without you

After the storm, we walk a bit
On the wet sand, we talk a bit
I was wrong, you were wrong
What has been has been
We must not speak about it anymore

Me without you, what shall I do?
I don't breathe if you are not here
Me without you, what shall I be?
A butterfly that doesn't fly anymore

Bring you on the wind like a year ago
The same sentiment, the same intensity
And find words that are never said
While the sun dies in my heart, you'll stay

Me without you, what shall I do
With my life and my days?
Me without you, how shall I do it?
My love, I must invent you

Me without you, what shall I do?
Me without you, how shаll I do it?
My love, I must invent you

My love, I muѕt invent you

Me without you

Fire, wind and water couldn't frighten me
When I took the long road to my destiny
I was used to losing, now I'm bound to win
'Cause the day I found you made it all begin

Me without you, what would I own?
A dream of flying but wings made of stone
Me without you, oh… what would I do?
I'd take the long road right back to you

Never knew the answer to my world of dreams
Now the explanation lies in you, it seems
Living for tomorrow, far from yesterday
Ever since you told me: "Let me share your way"

Me without you, what would I own?
A dream of flying but wings made of ѕtone
Me without you, oh… what would I do?
I'd take the long road right back to you

Me without you – what would I do? Oh…
Me without you, oh… what would I do?
I'd take the long road right back to you

I'd take the long road right bаck to you

Ich Ohne Dich

Feuer, Wind und Wasser hab' ich hinter mir
Ich bin weit gegangen auf dem Weg zu dir
Sonne, Mond und Sterne sagen mir nicht viel
Aber dich zu finden war für mich das Ziel

Ich ohne dich, was würd' ich sein
Frei wie ein Vogel mit Flügeln aus Stein
Ich ohne dich, oh, was bliebe mir
Der Traum vom Fliegen zurück zu dir

Einfach mir gehören, nein, das sollst du nicht
Du brauchst deine Freiheit wie der Tag das Licht
Wie ein Kind zu träumen
Und doch stark zu sein
Lernte ich im Leben
Nur bei dir allein

Ich ohne dich, was würd ich sein
Frei wie ein Vogel mit Flügeln aus Stein
Ich ohne dich, oh, was bliebe mir
Der Traum vom Fliegen zurück zu dir

Ich ohne dich, was würd' ich sein, Oh
Ich ohne dich, oh
Waѕ bliebe mir
Der Traum vom Fliegen zurück zu dir
Der Trаum vom Fliegen zurück zu dir

Switzerland 1981

Peter, Sue & Marc
Io senza te
Eurovision Song Contest 1981 Dublin



  • Peter Reber (see Artist)





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