Eurovision Ukraine
TURIN 2022

Ukrainian broadcaster: Ban Russia from Eurovision

Russia has invaded Ukraine and the attack is condemned internationally. Despite this, the European Broadcasting Union will still invite Russia to participate in Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in May – for now

The Ukrainian state broadcaster UA:PBC has asked the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) to suspend Russia's membership of the union and exclude Russia from Eurovision Song Contest 2022.

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine today, the chairman of the board of UA:PBC, Mykola Chernotytsky argues that the Russian broadcasters have failed to meet a number of obligations of their membership of EBU.

The open letter can be seen here (in Ukrainian), or in a translated form here:

President of the EBU, Delphine Ernotte Cunci

Dear Mrs. Cunci,

UA:PBC, as a Public Broadcaster of Ukraine, shows you its respect and asks for support and protection of common values of members of the broadcasting union.

As you know, on February 21, 2022, the Russian Federation decided to recognize the "independence" of its quasi-entities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine – the so-called "Luhansk People’s Republic" and "Donetsk People’s Republic". By such actions, the Russian side disregarded international law, the UN Charter, and violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

Such actions are the result of Russia’s long-term aggressive policy, which is implemented in part through propaganda through biased Russian media, including EBU broadcasters First Channel and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Since the beginning of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, EBU broadcasters from the Russian Federation, including Channel One and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, have been the Kremlin’s mouthpiece and key instrument of Russian-funded political propaganda. Instead of following the values of the EBU, these broadcasters constantly and systematically spread misinformation, violate journalistic standards, spread hostility, and are a leading element of the Russian government’s information war against Ukraine and the rest of the civilized world.

According to Article 3.5, paragraph 3.5.5, of the EBU Statute, EBU members must demonstrate their ability to fulfill their membership obligations, in particular to promote the EBU’s objectives set out in Article 1.2 of the EBU Statute, namely:

  • promotion and development of the concept of social media and their values, including universality, independence, excellence, diversity, responsibility and innovation in accordance with the EBU Declaration on the key values of public service broadcasting
  • ensuring freedom of speech and information
  • free formation of points of view
  • development of intercultural dialogue
  • strengthening social unity

In connection with the systematic conduct of Russian broadcasters-members of the EBU disinformation policy of the Russian Federation contrary to the above principles of the EBU, UA:PBC asks you to begin the procedure of termination of membership of Russian broadcasters "Channel One" and 5.2 of the EBU Statute, namely the inconsistency of paragraph 3.5.5 of Article 3.5 of the EBU Statute.

In 2021, the EBU suspended Belteleradiocompany’s membership for violating the broadcaster’s core values. As Russian broadcasters First Channel and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company are similarly instruments of power, systematically violating the journalistic standards and values of the EBU, UA:PBC expects similar consideration and further positive decision on termination of their membership in the European Community of Public Broadcasters.

We recognize that the process of suspending or suspending EBU membership requires careful consideration by the EBU Executive Board and referral to the EBU General Assembly. In the meantime, we call on the EBU to respond now to the unacceptable situation caused by Russia with the support of its essentially state broadcasters that are members of the EBU.

We call on the EBU to initiate the earliest possible consideration by member broadcasters of excluding Russia from the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest due to a gross violation by the relevant broadcaster participating in paragraph (ii) of Section 2.7 of Part 1 of the ESC-2022 Rules on EBU Values. The corresponding #EurovisionWithoutRussia campaign was launched by supporters of this international competition and is already spreading on the Internet.

In addition, we would like to emphasize that the Eurovision Song Contest was created after the Second World War to unite Europe. In view of this, Russia’s participation as an aggressor and violator of international law in this year’s Eurovision undermines the very idea of the competition. Please note that Russia’s participation in this year’s competition is provided by the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, which is an instrument of the Kremlin’s power in the information war against Ukraine and constantly violates journalistic standards underlying public broadcasting. Russia’s exclusion from this large-scale song event will be a powerful response by the international community of public broadcasters to the unacceptable aggressive and illegal actions of the Russian Federation and support for the country’s state broadcasters’ hostile policy of aggression.

Currently, the activities of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, as well as the Russian broadcaster Channel One, contradict the very idea of public broadcasting and provide informational support to the Kremlin’s illegal activities that threaten peace in Europe and the world.

The common values and principles of public broadcasters of EBU members are not just slogans, so we expect the unanimity and support of all fellow broadcasters in this matter.


Chairman of the Board


EBU: Russia can still participate

According to Swedish broadcaster SVT, EBU says that the war will not affect Russia's or Ukraine's participation in Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in May.

– We are a non-political cultural event, says EBU to SVT.

– The purpose of the competition is to unite nations and celebrate diversification through music. Both Russia and Ukraine have previously been invited and for now we plan to welcome both countries in May.

Just eight months ago, EBU suspended Belarus's broadcaster for not living up to the criteria for freedom of expression and independence.

9 countries' broadcasters have asked the EBU to ban Russia from participating in Eurovision Song Contest 2022:

Eurovision News