Eurovision Russia

Russia kicked out of Eurovision 2022

The European Broadcasting Union has decided to exclude Russia from Eurovision Song Contest 2022 after the invasion of Ukraine

It took the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 36 hours before realising that having the aggressor Russia participating in this year's Eurovision wasn't acceptable.

The Eurovision Song Contest should "unite nations and celebrates diversity through music", but in the last days Russia has clearly showed that they are not interested in neither uniting nations nor celebrating diversity.

Statement from the EBU

The EBU has announced that no Russian act will participate in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

The Executive Board of the EBU made the decision following a recommendation earlier today by the Eurovision Song Contest's governing body, the Reference Group, based on the rules of the event and the values of the EBU. The Reference Group recommendation was also supported by the EBU’s Television Committee.

The decision reflects concern that, in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s Contest would bring the competition into disrepute.

Before making this decision the EBU took time to consult widely among its membership.

The EBU is an apolitical member organization of broadcasters committed to upholding the values of public service.

We remain dedicated to protecting the values of a cultural competition which promotes international exchange and understanding, brings audiences together, celebrates diversity through music and unites Europe on one stage.

Notice, that the EBU is calling the Russian invasion of Ukraine for "the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine".


Reaction from Russia

The day after the exclusion of Russia from the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, the three Russian state media (Channel One, VGTRK and Radio Dom Ostankino) that were members of the European Broadcasting Union have terminated their EBU membership.

The terminations of the EBU memberships come as a response to the Russia's exclusion from Eurovision 2022. The three broadcasters have issued a statement:

– Channel One, VGTRK and Radio Dom Ostankino announce their withdrawal from the European Broadcasting Union in response to Russia’s exclusion from the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, which we regard as an inappropriate political sacrifice at a music forum that has always emphasized its non-political status.


EBU Statement on Russian Members

The EBU Executive Board, in light of ongoing events in Ukraine, has decided to suspend representatives from its three Russian Members (RTR, Channel One and RDO) from serving in its governance groups, including the Executive Board and all Statutory Committees. This follows the decision taken last week to exclude Russia from the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest.

In taking this action, the Executive Board took note of the public statement issued by the three Member organizations on 26 February announcing their intention to withdraw from the EBU. A decision taken as a direct result of Russia’s exclusion from the Song Contest. The Members have verbally confirmed to us their intent to leave and we are awaiting their formal confirmation.

The suspension will remain in effect until further notice has been given by the Executive Board.

EBU under pressure

Russia declared war on Ukraine and launched a full scale attack on Thursday. The attack was heavily condemned internationally. The Ukrainian broadcaster UA:PBC asked the broadcasting union to ban Russia from Eurovision Song Contest 2022. But EBU was not interested in helping Ukraine, arguing that Eurovision is a "non-political cultural event", and said, that they still would invite Russia to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, despite Russia was bombing Ukrainian cities at the same time.

After pressure and criticism from fans, artists and several broadcasters, the EBU finally took the decision to exclude Russia from participating in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022.

9 countries' broadcasters have asked the EBU to ban Russia from participating in Eurovision Song Contest 2022:

40 countries in Eurovision 2022

After Russia's exit, a total of 40 countries will compete in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022. Russia should have competed in the 2nd half of Semi-final 1.

Eurovision News