
EMA 2016:
Raiven - "Črno bel"

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EMA 2016
Lyrics video


Lyrics: Črno bel


Črno bel

Svetla senca, odkriva
Misel, da sva minljiva
S strahovi, se skrivam
Hočem nekaj, kar odrivam

Korak naprej in že te več ni
En pogled, mi dej, pa zgineš v luči

Ko se iščem, izgubim te
Ko se najdem, več ni te
Odgovor vsak tvoj ima vprašaj
Še sam ne veš, zakaj

Korak naprej in že te več ni
En pogled, mi dej pa zgineš v luči

Korak naprej in že te več ni
En pogled, mi dej pa zgineš v luči
Svetla noč, poglej te temne luči
Črno bel, si zdej, maš piѕаne oči

Black and White

Bright shadow, it reveals
The thought that we are fleeting
With fears, I hide
I want something I'm pushing

Step forward and you're gone
One look, give it to me, and you disappear into the light

When I look for myself, I lose you
When I find myself, you're gone
Each of your answers has a question
You don't even know why

One step forward and you're gone
One look, let me die in the light

One step forward and you're gone
One look, let me die in the light
Bright night, look at those dark lights
Black and white, you are now, you hаve colorful eyeѕ

Artist/group (stage name)Raiven
TitleČrno bel
Title (English)Black and white
SongwritersJernej Kržič, Sara Briški Cirman, Tadej Košir

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