
Montesong 2024:
Anastasija Koprolčec - "Kraj"

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Montesong 2024


Lyrics: Kraj



Pored tebe hodam kao sjenka, odavno
Sve mi se čini da je kraj
Kad jednom iz ruku ispustiš i razbiješ
To ni Bog ne sastavlja

Reci, reci bilo šta, samo nemoj ćutati
Budi čovjek, priznaj sve
Al' bila sam spremna na kraj svijeta da odem
Samo da ne budeš sam

Krijem sve, svako vidi i zna
U kofer pakujem sve
Sve snove, svaku tvoju laž

Ne, ne ide
Ne, ne ide
Da glumimo da smo par
A odavno je gotova stvar
Ne ide
Ne, ne ide
Sve što nisam, postajem
Kraj tebe sama ostajem

(Sama ostajem)

U kofer pakujem sve
Sve snove, svaku tvoju laž

Ne, ne ide
Ne, ne ide
Da glumimo da smo par
A odavno je gotova stvar
Ne ide
Ne, ne ide
Sve što nisam, postajem
Kraj tebe sama ostajem

Sama ostajem
Kraj tebe sama oѕtаjem

The End

I've been walking beside you like a shadow for a long time
It all seems to me that it's over
Once you drop it and break it
Not even God composes that

Say anything, just don't be silent
Be a man, admit everything
But I was ready for the end of the world to go
Just so you don't be alone

In vain
I'm hiding everything, everyone sees and knows
I'm packing everything in my suitcase
All your dreams, all your lies

No, it doesn't work
No, it doesn't work
Let's pretend we're a couple
It's been a long time since it's over
It doesn't work
No, it doesn't work
Everything I'm not, I'm becoming
I'll be alone by your side

(I'm staying alone)

I'm packing everything in my suitcase
All your dreams, all your lies

No, it doesn't work
No, it doesn't work
Let's pretend we're a couple
It's been a long time since it's over
It doesn't work
No, it doesn't work
Everything I'm not, I'm becoming
I'll be alone by your side

I'm ѕtaying alone
I'll take care of you аlone

Artist/group (stage name)Anastasija Koprolčec
ArtistAnastasija Koprolčec
Title (English)The end
SongwriterBojan Marović

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