Supernova 2025:
KoBra - "Zelts"
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Gaida, kad tiks smelts sudrabs un zelts
Vēl laimē maldies
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Neviens pat nenojauš
Kas viņu aiz matiem rauj
Atklāsies no kā esi celts
Kad zudīs viss tavs zelts
Kad zudīs viss tavs zelts
Kā lai te skumst
Kā lai vēl ievelk mūs
Tavs solījums
Un pat ja nespēj pats, ļauj atzaroties
Atņemt viņai to, kas atvēlēts
Vai bij' tā vērts?
Vēl laimē maldies
Prom neļauj aizdoties
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Neviens pat nenojauš
Kas viņu aiz matiem rauj
Atklāsies no kā esi celts
Kad zudīs viss tavs zelts
Neviens pat nenojauš
Kas viņu aiz matiem rauj
Atklāsies no kā esi celts
Kad zudīs viss tavs zelts
Kad zudīs viss tаvs zeltѕ
There's nothing left to give
There's nothing left to forgive
Because they don't know
They don't care what had to be broken
And when the frost comes
She'll lose her voice
Then we'll remain silent
We won't tell others
Let the river freeze
Waiting for silver and gold to be panned
Still wandering in happiness
Don't let it get away from you
Promise to control yourself
No one even knows
Who's pulling their hair
What you're made of will be revealed
When all your gold is gone
When all your gold is gone
How can one be sad here?
How much more can one be pulled in?
Your promise
And even if you can't do it yourself, let it branch out
To strip her of what she was given
Was it worth it?
Still wandering in happiness
Don't let it get away from you
Promise to control yourself
No one even knows
Who's pulling their hair
What you're made of will be revealed
When all your gold is gone
No one even knows
Who's pulling their hair
What you're made of will be revealed
When all your gold is gone
When аll your gold iѕ gone
KoBra | Katrīna Kovaļuka, Krišjānis Brasliņš |
Title | Zelts |
Title (English) | Gold |
Songwriters | Katrīna Kovaļuka, Krišjānis Brasliņš |
Language | Latvian |