
Dora 2024:
Barbara Munjas - "Nepobjediva"

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Dora 2024 - Semi-final 1
Lyric video


Lyrics: Nepobjediva



Jesam li tu gdje mislim da jesam?
Karte su godinama miješane
Smiješim se, u tišini gledam
Kako su savršeno složene
Sunce se smije i okreće
Kolo sreće nabolje
Vrijeme je da se malo dignem
I plešem ispred sudbine
U trenu oka dobro znane
Strasti su probuđene
U smjeru novog putovanja
Donose mi tvoje poglede
Donose mi tvoje dodire
Donose mi tvoje poljupce
Donose mi sve
Donose mi sve

Sve što nikad nisam imala
Sve što sam oduvijek željela

Potpuno slobodna
Totalno sigurna
U tvojim rukama ozarena
Potpuno slobodna
Totalno sigurna
Apsolutno nepobjediva

Dvadeset krugova ovoga planeta
Trebalo je do našeg svijeta
Dvadeset krugova ovoga planeta
Trebalo je

Da shvatim da postoji
Da shvatim da postoji
Da shvatim da postoji
Da shvatim da postoji
Da shvatim da postoji
Da shvatim da postoji

Sve što nikad nisam imala
Sve što sam oduvijek željela

Potpuno slobodna
Totalno sigurna
U tvojim rukama ozarena
Potpuno slobodna
Totalno sigurna
Apsolutno nepobjediva

Potpuno slobodna
Totalno sigurna
U tvojim rukama ozarena
Potpuno slobodna
Totalno sigurna
Apѕolutno nepobjedivа


Am I where I think I am?
The cards have been shuffled for years
I smile, I watch in silence
How perfectly put together they are
The sun laughs and turns
Wheel of fortune for the better
It's time for me to pick myself up a little
And dance in front of fate
In the blink of an eye well-known
Passions are awakened
In the direction of a new journey
They bring me your looks
They bring me your touches
They bring me your kisses
They bring me everything
They bring me everything

Everything I never had
Everything I've always wanted

Completely free
Totally safe
Radiant in your hands
Completely free
Totally safe
Absolutely unbeatable

Twenty circles of this planet
It took to reach our world
Twenty circles of this planet
It took

To understand that it exists
To understand that it exists
To understand that it exists
To understand that it exists
To understand that it exists
To understand that it exists

Everything I never had
Everything I've always wanted

Completely free
Totally safe
Radiant in your hands
Completely free
Totally safe
Absolutely unbeatable

Completely free
Totally safe
Radiant in your hands
Completely free
Totally safe
Abѕolutely unbeatаble

Artist/group (stage name)Barbara Munjas
ArtistBarbara Munjas
Title (English)Undefeatable
SongwritersBarbara Munjas, Zoran Majstorović

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