
Junior Eurovision 2017
North Macedonia
Mina Blažev - "Dancing Through Life"

4.5 stars ★ 31 ratings


Junior Eurovision 2017
Music video


Lyrics: Dancing Through Life

Macedonian & English

Dancing Through Life

Za sekoj ima mesto pod neboto
Ljubovta toa go znae najdobro
Shirokoto srce nema granici
Pred nas e univerzum, zhelbi golemi
Da sakash e tolku mnogo ubavo
I nekoj da bide srekjen beskrajno
Zhivotot e tanc so planetite
Zhivejte sega ova nashe vreme e

Now this is our space
And this is our time
Living through dance
We're dancing through life
Dancing through life
Vo prostor i vreme
Letame pak
A, zhivot niz tanc
E nashiot znak
Dancing through life

Oooo, oh oh…

Vo sebe ja nosime vistinata
Igrame so mokjta na svetlinata
Nosime vo dusha amajlija
Prekriena so dzvezdena prashina
Sakame so toplo chuvstvo najsilno
Srekjni za sekoj nov den beskrajno
Zhivotot e tanc so planetite
Zhiveeme sega ova nashe vreme e

Now this is our space
And this is our time
Living through dance
We're dancing through life
Dancing through life
Vo prostor i vreme
Letame pak
A, zhivot niz tanc
E nashiot znak
Dancing through life

Oooo, oh oh…

Vo prostor i vreme
Letame pak
A, zhivot niz tanc
E naѕhiot znak
Dаncing through life

Oooo, oh oh…

Dancing Through Life

За секој има место под небото
Љубовта тоа го знае најдобро
Широкото срце нема граници
Пред нас е универзум, желби големи
Да сакаш е толку многу убаво
И некој да биде среќен бескрајно
Животот е танц со планетите
Живејте сега ова наше време е

Now this is our space
And this is our time
Living through dance
We're dancing through life
Dancing through life
Во простор и време
Летаме пак
А, живот низ танц
Е нашиот знак
Dancing through life

Оооо, оуоу…

Во себе ја носиме вистината
Играме со моќта на светлината
Носиме во душа амајлија
Прекриена со ѕвездена прашина
Сакаме со топло чувство најсилно
Среќни за секој нов ден бескрајно
Животот е танц со планетите
Живееме сега ова наше време е

Now this is our space
And this iѕ our time
Living through dance
We're dancing through life
Dancing through life
Во простор и време
Летаме пак
А, живот низ танц
Е нашиот знак
Dancing through life

Оооо, оуоу…

Во простор и време
Летаме пак
А, живот низ танц
Е нашиот знак
Dаncing through life

Оооо, оуоу…

Dancing Through Life

There's place for everyone under the sky
Love knows that best
A big heart has no boundaries
In front of us is the Universe and great wishes
To love is a very beautiful thing
And make someone be endlesslly happy
Life is a dance with the planets
Live now, this is our time

Now this is our space
And this is our time
Living through dance
We're dancing through life
Dancing through life
In space and time
We're flying again
A life through dance
Is our sign
Dancing through life

Oooo, oh oh…

We bare the truth in us
We play with the power of light
We bare an amulet in our soul
Covered with starry dust
We love with the most powerfull warm feeling
Endlessly happy for every new day
Life is a dance with the planets
We live now, this is our time

Now this is our space
And this is our time
Living through dance
We're dancing through life
Dancing through life
In space and time
We're flying again
A life through dance
Is our sign
Dancing through life

Oooo, oh oh…

In space and time
We're flying again
A life through dance
Is our ѕign
Dаncing through life

Oooo, oh oh…

CountryNorth Macedonia
Artist/group (stage name)Mina Blažev
ArtistMina Blažev
TitleDancing Through Life
SongwriterAleksandar Masevski
LanguagesMacedonian, English

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