
Junior Eurovision 2016
Lidia Ganeva - "Magical Day"

Вълшебен ден
5 stars ★ 117 ratings


Junior Eurovision 2016
Music video
Music video (English version)


Lyrics: Magical Day

Bulgarian & English

Vâlsheben Den

Ne e vazhno kâde
Na zemyata si roden
Ako ti vinagi gonish svoite mechti

Ne e vazhno koya e tvoyata padashta zvezda
Ako ti v sebe si târsish mir, a ne voyni

Svetlina za teb i men
Na petsata e podaren
Po edin vâlsheben den

Vyarvam, ima chudesa
Vâv syaka prikazka
Znaya, samo lyubovta ostava na sveta
Vyarvam, ima chudesa
Vâv syaka prikazka
Na detsata e podaren
Po edin vâlsheben den

Ne e vazhno dali
Sme razlichni az i ti
Shtom vâv tvoeto sârtse
Vizhdan vsichki tsvetove

Ne e vazhno nakâde
Pâtyat shte ni otvede
Pyasâchni zamâtsi
Zaedno shte postroim

Svetlina za teb i men
Na petsata e podaren
Po edin vâlsheben den

Vyarvam, ima chudesa
Vâv syaka prikazka
Znaya, samo lyubovta ostava na sveta
Vyarvam, ima chudesa
Vâv syaka prikazka
Na detsata e podaren
Po edin vâlsheben den

(Doesn't matter at all)
(What's the color of your skin)
(Doesn't matter at all)
(What's the difference between us)
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
(What's the color of your skin) Doesn't matter
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
What's the difference between us
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
(What's the color of your skin) Doesn't matter
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
Whаt's the difference between uѕ

Вълшебен Ден

Не е важно къде
На земята си роден
Ако ти винаги гониш своите мечти

Не е важно коя е твоята падаща звезда
Ако ти в себе си търсиш мир, а не войни

Светлина за теб и мен
На децата е подарен
По един вълшебен ден

Вярвам, има чудеса
Във всяка приказка
Зная, само любовта остава на света
Вярвам, има чудеса
Във всяка приказка
На децата е подарен
По един вълшебен ден

Не е важно дали
Сме различни аз и ти
Щом във твоето сърце
Виждам всички цветове

Не е важно накъде
Пътят ще ни отведе
Пясъчни замъци
Заедно ще построим

Светлина за теб и мен
На децата е подарен
По един вълшебен ден

Вярвам, има чудеса
Във всяка приказка
Зная, само любовта остава на света
Вярвам, има чудеса
Във всяка приказка
На децата е подарен
По един вълшебен ден

(Doesn't matter at all)
(What's the color of your skin)
(Doesn't matter at all)
(What's the difference between us)
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
(What's the color of your skin) Doesn't matter
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
What's the difference between us
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
(What's the color of your skin) Doesn't matter
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
Whаt's the difference between uѕ

Magical Day

Doesn't matter at all where
On earth you were born
If you always pursue your dreams

Doesn't matter at all what is your shooting star
If within yourself you seek peace, not war

Light for you and me
Let's give all children
One magical day

I believe there are miracles
In every fairytale
And I know only love will remain in the world
I believe there are miracles
In every fairytale
Let's give all children
One magical day

Doesn't matter at all
If we are different, you and I
If once in your heart
I can see every color

Doesn't matter at all
Where the road will take us
Sand castles
Together we will build

Light for you and me
Let's give all children
One magical day

I believe there are miracles
In every fairytale
And I know only love will remain in the world
I believe there are miracles
In every fairytale
Let's give all children
One magical day

(Doesn't matter at all)
(What's the color of your skin)
(Doesn't matter at all)
(What's the difference between us)
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
(What's the color of your skin) Doesn't matter
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
What's the difference between us
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
(What's the color of your skin) Doesn't matter
(Doesn't matter at all) Doesn't matter
Whаt's the difference between uѕ

Artist/group (stage name)Lidia Ganeva
ArtistLidia Ganeva
TitleMagical Day
Вълшебен ден
ComposerVladimir Ampov
LyricistsIliya Grigorov, Vladimir Ampov
LanguagesBulgarian, English

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