Netherlands 2021

Eurovision 2021 Netherlands:
Jeangu Macrooy - "Birth Of A New Age"

2.3 stars ★ 11867 ratings


Eurovision 2021
Eurovision Semi-final Preview
Eurovision Backup Performance: Read more
Music video
Live Premiere
Second Rehearsal (snippet)
First Rehearsal (snippet)


English & Sranan Tongo

Birth Of A New Age

Skin as rich as the starlit night
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
Deep currents running in the rivers of your eyes
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They spat on your crown and they poisoned your ground
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They burned your heroes at the stake
But your voice will echo all their names
This ain't the end, no
It's the birth of a new age

Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko, broko mi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko, broko mi

Soul blazin' like a hurricane
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
Spirit roaring wild like untamed flames
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They buried your guts, they imprisoned your thoughts
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They tried to drain you off your faith
But you are the rage that melts the chains
This ain't the end, no
It's the birth of a new age

We are the fruit born in the legacy
Of every forgotten revolutionary
Born in resillience, proud like a lion
We are the birth of a new age

Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko, broko mi
Mi na afu sensi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko, broko mi
Mi na afu sensi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko, broko mi
Mi na afu sensi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko mi
Yu no man broko, broko mi
Mi na аfu senѕi

Birth Of A New Age

Skin as rich as the starlit night
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
Deep currents running in the rivers of your eyes
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They spat on your crown and they poisoned your ground
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They burned your heroes at the stake
But your voice will echo all their names
This ain't the end, no
It's the birth of a new age

You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break, break me
You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break, break me

Soul blazin' like a hurricane
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
Spirit roaring wild like untamed flames
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They buried your guts, they imprisoned your thoughts
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They tried to drain you off your faith
But you are the rage that melts the chains
This ain't the end, no
It's the birth of a new age

We are the fruit born in the legacy
Of every forgotten revolutionary
Born in reѕillience, proud like a lion
We are the birth of a new age

You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break, break me
I'm half a cent
You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break, break me
I'm half a cent
You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break, break me
I'm half a cent
You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break, break me
I'm half а cent

Nașterea unei noi ere

Pielea ta, la fel de bogată ca noaptea înstelată
Ritmul tău este rebeliune, ritmul tău este rebeliune
Curenți adânci curg în râurile ochilor tăi
Ritmul tău este rebeliune, ritmul tău este rebeliune
Au scuipat pe coroana ta și ți-au otrăvit pământul
Ritmul tău este rebeliune, ritmul tău este rebeliune
Ți-au ars eroii pe rug
Dar vocea ta le va răsuna toate numele
Acesta nu este sfârșitul, nu
Este nașterea unei noi ere

Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge, distruge
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge, distruge

Suflet arzând ca un uragan
Ritmul tău este rebeliune, ritmul tău este rebeliune
Spirit răcnind sălbatic ca flăcările neîmblânzite
Ritmul tău este rebeliune, ritmul tău este rebeliune
Ți-au îngropat curajul, ți-au închis gândurile
Ritmul tău este rebeliune, ritmul tău este rebeliune
Au încercat să te sece de credință
Dar tu ești furia care topește lanțurile
Acesta nu este sfârșitul, nu
Este nașterea unei noi ere

Suntem fructul născut din moștenirea
Fiecărui revoluționar uitat
Născuți în reziliență, mândri ca un leu
Suntem nașterea unei noi ere

Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge, distruge
Sunt jumătate de cent
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge, distruge
Sunt jumătate de cent
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge, distruge
Sunt jumătate de cent
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge
Nu mă poți distruge, diѕtruge
Sunt jumătаte de cent

Netherlands 2021

Jeangu Macrooy
Birth Of A New Age
Eurovision Song Contest 2021 Rotterdam



  • Milaisa Breeveld
  • Xillan Macrooy


  • Gil Gomes Leal
    Also known as: Gil the Grid


  • Jeangu Macrooy (see Artist)
  • Pieter Perquin
    Also known as: Perquisite


  • Jeangu Macrooy (see Artist)



  • Romy Monteiro



  • Brainpower
  • Giovanca
  • Jessica van Amerongen
  • Lakshmi
  • Leo Blokhuis

Netherlands • News

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