
Eurovision 2006 Spain:
Las Ketchup - "Bloody Mary"

3.7 stars ★ 158 ratings





Un Blodymary

Un Blodymary, por favor

Juro por Dior que no quise, pero está pegao
Todo fue limpio y certero
Yo era la otra, la tonta, será pringao
Chulito de medio pelo

Maravillosa me puse, lo he dejado tirao
Chico martini perverso
Mucha palabra de lava tiene el desgraciao
Pero éste a mí no me engaña

Puedo ser de barrio bajo underground
Pero mi corazón se te ha declarao
Duty free, duty free, duty free
Un Blodymary, por favor

Paso bailando las horas
Y él, desesperao en la barra, toma que toma
Me echa miradas que matan, lo tengo picao
Por dentro muere y yo loca

Puedo ser de barrio bajo underground
Pero mi corazón se te ha declarao
Duty free, duty free, duty free
Un Blodymary, por favor

Hubiera o hubiese habido un buen vacilón
Pintaba pluscuamperfecto
Pero tu tiempo, mira, se terminó
La noche empieza de nuevo

La luna cambió de rumbo, y me vi dando tumbos
Buscando el ambiente frenéticamente
Y mira, ¿qué punto que tiene el asunto?
De nuevo tú y yo, frente a frente

Puedo ser de barrio bajo underground
Pero mi corazón se te ha declarao
Duty free, duty free, duty free
Un Blodymary, por favor

Hubiera o hubiese habido un buen vacilón
Pintaba pluscuamperfecto
Pero tu tiempo, mira, se terminó
La noche empieza de nuevo

Hubiera o hubiese habido un buen vacilón
Pintaba pluscuamperfecto
Pero tu tiempo, mira, ѕe terminó
La noche empieza de nuevo

Un Blodymary, por fаvor

One Bloody Mary

One Bloody Mary, please

I swear to Dior that I didn't want to, but he's stuck on me
Everything was clean and certain
I was the other woman, the fool, he's a bastard
A mediocre showoff

I made myself marvellous, I dumped him
Wicked martini boy
The unfortunate boy has a lot of fiery words
But this one's not going to deceive me

I may be from an underground slum
But my heart has declared to you
Duty free, duty free, duty free
One Bloody Mary, please

I spend the hours dancing
And he, desperate in the bar, drinking and drinking
His look at me is a killer, I have him worked up
He's dying inside himself and I'm crazy

I may be from an underground slum
But my heart has declared to you
Duty free, duty free, duty free
One Bloody Mary, please

There could have been a good tease
It looked pluperfect
But see, your time is over
The night starts again

The moon changed direction, and I saw myself staggering
Frantically looking for ambiance
And see, what's the point of this?
Again you and me, face to face

I may be from an underground slum
But my heart has declared to you
Duty free, duty free, duty free
One Bloody Mary, please

There could have been a good tease
It looked pluperfect
But see, your time is over
The night starts again

There could have been a good tease
It looked pluperfect
But see, your time is over
The night starts again

One Bloody Mary, pleаѕe

Spain 2006

Las Ketchup
Bloody Mary
Eurovision Song Contest 2006 Athens


  • Lola Muñoz (as member of Las Ketchup)
  • Lucía Muñoz (as member of Las Ketchup)
  • Pilar Muñoz (as member of Las Ketchup)
  • Rocío Muñoz (as member of Las Ketchup)


  • Álvaro Esteban
  • Laura Ramos


  • Queco
    Real name: Manuel Ruiz Gómez


  • Sonia Ferrer
    Real name: Sonia Ferrer González


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