Portugal 2006

Eurovision 2006 Portugal:
Nonstop - "Coisas De Nada"

1.9 stars ★ 145 ratings


Eurovision 2006 - Semi-final
Festival da Canção 2006


Portuguese & English

Coisas de nada (Gonna make you dance)

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Não digas nada, somos livres de ficar
Não estragues a noite com coisas de nada
Juntos, tão juntos, os dois pela noite
Podemos rir e falar e dançar outra vez

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Deixa as lágrimas, também tu podes rir
Está tudo aí, guardado dentro de ti
Dançar na noite, esquecer o tempo
E ouvir a música a chamar outra vez

(Oh…) Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Não digas nada, não digas nada
Não estragues a noite com coisas de nada

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style
(Gonna make you dance)

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
(Baby, keep on dancin')
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

We're gonna make you dance
Mаke it with ѕtyle

Meaningless things (Gonna make you dance)

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Don't say anything, we're free to stay
Don't ruin the night with meaningless things
Together, so close together, the two of us in the night
We can laugh and talk and dance again

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Leave the tears, you can laugh too
It's all there, kept inside of you
Dancing in the night, forgetting the time
And listening to the music calling again

(Oh…) Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

Don't say anything, don't say anything
Don't ruin the night with meaningless things

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style
(Gonna make you dance)

Gonna make you dance, gonna make you smile
I'll make you stop thinking sad things for a while
(Baby, keep on dancin')
And everything waits when you're dancin' in style

We're gonna make you dance
Mаke it with ѕtyle

Portugal 2006

Coisas De Nada
English title
Meaningless things
Eurovision Song Contest 2006 Athens


  • Andrea Soares (as member of Nonstop)
    Real name: Andrea de Brito Soares
  • Kátia Moreira (as member of Nonstop)
    Real name: Kátia Moreira Alcunha
  • Liliana Almeida (as member of Nonstop)
    Real name: Liliana Patrícia Almeida
  • Rita Reis (as member of Nonstop)
    Real name: Ana Rita Branco Gonçalves Reis


  • Elvis Veiguinha
  • José Manuel Afonso


  • Cristina Alves


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