
Eurovision 1981 Portugal:
Carlos Paião - "Play-back"

4.9 stars ★ 192 ratings


Eurovision 1981
Festival RTP da Canção 1981
Audio (English version)
Audio (Karaoke)




Podes não saber cantar nem sequer assobiar
Com certeza que não vais desafinar
Em play-back, em play-back, em play-back
Só precisas de acertar, não tem nada que enganar
E assim mesmo sem cantar, vais encantar
Em play-back, em play-back, em play-back

Põe o microfone à frente muito disfarçadamente
Vai sorrindo que é p'rá gente lá presente não notar

Em play-back, tu és alguém
Mesmo afónico cantas bem
Em play-back, a fazer play-back, e viv'ó play-back
Hás de sempre cantar
Em play-back, respirar p'ra quê?
Quem não sabe também não vê
Em play-back, a fazer play-back, e viv'ó play-back
Dá p'ra toda uma soirée

Podes não saber cantar nem sequer assobiar
Com certeza que não vais desafinar
Em play-back, em play-back, em play-back
Só precisas de acertar, não tem nada que enganar
E assim mesmo sem cantar, vais encantar
Em play-back, em play-back, em play-back

Abre a boca, fecha a boca, não te enganes, não te esganes
Vais ter uma apoteose, põe-te em pose p'ra agradar

Em play-back, é que tu és bom
A cantar sem fugir do tom
Em play-back, a fazer play-back, e viv'ó play-back
Hás de sempre cantar
Com play-back até pedem bis
"Mas decerto", dirás feliz
Em play-back, a fazer play-back, e viv'ó play-back
Agradeces e sorris

Podes não saber cantar nem sequer assobiar
Com certeza que não vais desafinar
Em play-back, em play-back, em play-back
Só precisas de acertar, não tem nada que enganar
E assim mesmo sem cantar, vaiѕ encantar
Em play-back, em play-back, em play-back

Em play-back, em play-back, em play-back
Em play-back, em play-back, em play-bаck


Maybe you don't know how to sing or even how to whistle
But you won't sing out of tune for sure
In playback, in playback, in playback
You just have to get it right, there's nothing to it
And even without singing, you're going to enchant
In playback, in playback, in playback

Put the microphone in front of you in a very disguisingly way
Smile, so the people won't notice it

In playback, you're someone
Even aphonic, you sing well
In playback, doing playback, long live playback
You'll always sing
In playback, why bother to breathe?
Those who don't know it, won't see it
In playback, doing playback, long live playback
It's for a whole soirée

Maybe you don't know how to sing or even how to whistle
But you won't sing out of tune for sure
In playback, in playback, in playback
You just have to get it right, there's nothing to it
And even without singing, you're going to enchant
In playback, in playback, in playback

Open your mouth, close your mouth, don't make mistakes, don't choke
You're going to be worshipped, pose to delight

Doing playback is what you're good at
Singing without missing the notes
In playback, doing playback, long live playback
You'll always sing
With playback, they even ask for an encore
"But of course", you'll say happily
In playback, doing playback, long live playback
You thank and smile

Maybe you don't know how to sing or even how to whistle
But you won't sing out of tune for sure
In playback, in playback, in playback
You just have to get it right, there's nothing to it
And even without ѕinging, you're going to enchant
In playback, in playback, in playback

In playback, in playback, in playback
In playback, in playback, in playbаck


If you wanna sing a song, though your voice is goin' wrong
Never mind about the tune and sing along
It's playback, it's playback, it's playback
Smile around and there you go, don't you worry - they don't know
I believe you'll be the greatest on the show
It's playback, it's playback, it's playback

Get your mic in front of you now, if you don't know what to do
The lights are low, they'll never notice that the whole thing isn't true

Here's your chance, give it a good try
You've no voice - that's the reason why
It's playback, gotta be playback
Once again playback, that's the one way to get by
Must say, they don't really care
Make believe everyone will stare
It's playback, gotta be playback
Once again playback, you'll get over your nightmare

If you wanna sing a song, though your voice is goin' wrong
Never mind about the tune and sing along
It's playback, it's playback, it's playback
Smile around and there you go, don't you worry - they don't know
I believe you'll be the greatest on the show
It's playback, it's playback, it's playback

Get the rhythm in your mind and watch yourself - here comes the rhyme
I like you small, just keep them stalled, now hold it back, don't touch the line

Play your tape, may the mix be rough
Play the game -gotta play it tough
It's playback, gotta be playback
Once again playback, they will never get enough
I'm done how to play it cool
Do it right, man, you know the rule
It's playback, gotta be playback
Once again playback, now you tell me - who's the fool?

If you wanna sing a song, though your voice is goin' wrong
Never mind about the tune and sing along
It's playback, it's playback, it's playback
Smile around and there you go, don't you worry - they don't know
I believe you'l be the greatest on the show
It's playback, it's playback, it's playback

It's playback, it's playback, it's playback
It's playback, it's playback, it'ѕ playbаck


Quizás no sepas cantar, o tampoco silbar
Pero es cierto que no vas a desafinar
Con playback, con playback, con playback
Solo tienes que acertar, solo eso, nada más
E incluso sin cantar, vas a encantar
Con playback, con playback, con playback

Pon el micrófono en frente tuyo, de forma muy descarada
Sonríe, para que no se den cuenta

Con playback, eres alguien
Incluso afónico, cantas bien
Con playback, usando playback, vivo con playback
Siempre cantarás
Con playback, ¿Por qué respirar?
Los que no saben, tampoco lo ven
Con playback, usando playback, vivo con playback
Por toda la noche

Quizás no sepas cantar, o tampoco a silbar
Pero es cierto que no vas a desafinar
Con playback, con playback, con playback
Solo tienes que acertar, solo eso, nada más
E incluso sin cantar, vas a encantar
Con playback, con playback, con playback

Abre la boca, cierra la boca, no te equivoques, no te ahogues
Te van a alabar, posa para agradar

Con playback, eres buen cantante
Cantas sin salirte del tono
Con playback, usando playback, vivo con playback
Siempre cantarás
Con playback, hasta piden un bis
"Con gusto", tú dirás feliz
Con playback, usando playback, vivo con playback
Agradeces y sonríes

Quizás no sepas cantar, o tampoco a silbar
Pero es cierto que no vas a desafinar
Con playback, con playback, con playback
Solo tienes que acertar, solo eso, nada más
E incluso sin cantar, vaѕ a encantar
Con playback, con playback, con playback

Con playback, con playback, con playback
Con playback, con playback, con playbаck

Portugal 1981

Carlos Paião
Eurovision Song Contest 1981 Dublin


  • Carlos Paião



  • Carlos Paião


  • Shegundo Galarza



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