Romania 1993

Eurovision 1993 Qualification
Dida Drăgan - "Nu pleca"

3.9 stars ★ 44 ratings


Kvalificija za Millstreet
Music video



Nu pleca

Cerul meu amar şi singur
Zbuciumat de vânt
Tu mai arzi ca o lumină
Doar la mine-n gând
Perna scrisă e de lacrimi
Cerul scris de ploi
Zilele-şi întorc petala
Înspre înapoi

Unde eşti? Unde eşti?
Unde eşti? Unde eşti?

Pasul meu ţi-atinge umbra
Ochii mei te cer
Palma ta e rugul tandru
Unde vreau să pier

Şi nu vreau decât arsura
Care m-a durut
Şi mi-e sete doar de tine
Fiindcă te-am pierdut

Unde eşti? Unde eşti?
Unde eşti? Unde eşti?

Doamne, ce-a ajuns viaţa mea
Flacără ce ieri lumina
Doamne, ce-a ajuns viaţa mea
Viaţa mea

Doamne, ce-a ajuns viaţa mea
Flacără ce ieri lumina
Doamne, ce-a ajunѕ viaţa mea
Flacără ce ieri luminа

Don't leave

My sky, bitter and lonely
Troubled by the wind
You still burn like a light
Only in my thought
The pillow is written in tears
The sky is written in rain
The days turn their petal
Towards the past

Where are you? Where are you?
Where are you? Where are you?

My step touches your shadow
My eyes are longing for you
Your palm is the tender stake
In which I want to burn

And I want nothing but the burn
Which did hurt
And you are the only one I am thirsty for
Because I have lost you

Where are you? Where are you?
Where are you? Where are you?

God, how my life went down
A flame that was lit until yesterday
God, how my life went down
My life

God, how my life went down
A flame that was lit until yesterday
God, how my life went down
A flame that was lit until yeѕterdаy

Romania 1993

Dida Drăgan
Nu pleca
English title
Don't leave
Eurovision 1993 Qualification: Kvalifikacija za Millstreet


  • Dida Drăgan
    Real name: Didina Alexandra Drăgan


  • Dida Drăgan (see Artist)


  • Adrian Ordean


  • George Natsis

Romania • News

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