Portugal 2009

Eurovision 2009 Portugal:
Flor-de-lis - "Todas As Ruas Do Amor"

4.9 stars ★ 228 ratings


Eurovision 2009 - Final
Festival da Canção 2009 - Final



Todas as ruas do amor

Se sou tinta, tu és tela
Se sou chuva, és aguarela
Se sou sal, és branca areia
Se sou mar, és maré-cheia

Se sou céu, és nuvem nele
Se sou estrela, és de encantar
Se sou noite, és luz para ela
Se sou dia, és o luar

Sou a voz do coração
Numa carta aberta ao mundo
Sou o espelho d'emoção
Do teu olhar profundo

Sou um todo num instante
Corpo dado em jeito amante
Sou o tempo que não passa
Quando a saudade me abraça

Beija o mar, o vento e a lua
Sou um sol em neve nua
Em todas as ruas do amor
Serás meu e eu serei tua

Beija o mar, o vento e a lua
Sou um sol em neve nua
Em todas as ruas do amor
Serás meu e eu serei tua

Se sou tinta, tu és tela
Se sou chuva, és aguarela
Se sou sal, és branca areia
Se sou mar, és maré cheia

Se sou céu, és nuvem nele
Se sou estrela, és de encantar
Se sou noite, és luz para ela
Se sou dia, és o luar

Beija o mar o vento e a lua
Sou um sol em neve nua
Em todas as ruas do amor
Serás meu e eu serei tua

Beija o mar o vento e a lua
Sou um sol em neve nua
Em todas as ruas do amor
Serás meu e eu serei tua

Beija o mar o vento e a lua
Sou um sol em neve nua
Em todas as ruas do amor
Serás meu e eu serei tua

Serás meu e eu serei tua
Serás meu e eu ѕerei tuа

All the streets of love

If I were paint, you'd be a canvas
If I were rain, you'd be a watercolour
If I were salt, you'd be white sand
If I were the sea, you'd be high tide

If I were the sky, you'd be a cloud in it
If I were a star, you'd be enchanting
If I were night, you'd be its light
If I were day, you'd be the moonlight

I am the voice from the heart
In a letter addressed to the world
I am a mirror of emotion
Of your deep look

I am a whole in an instant
A body offered in a loving style
I am the time that doesn't pass
When the longing embraces me

Kiss the sea, the wind and the moon
I am a sun in naked snow
In all the streets of love
You will be mine and I will be yours

Kiss the sea, the wind and the moon
I am a sun in naked snow
In all the streets of love
You will be mine and I will be yours

If I were paint, you'd be a canvas
If I were rain, you'd be a watercolour
If I were salt, you'd be white sand
If I were the sea, you'd be high tide

If I were the sky, you'd be a cloud in it
If I were a star, you'd be enchanting
If I were night, you'd be its light
If I were day, you'd be the moonlight

Kiss the sea, the wind and the moon
I am a sun in naked snow
In all the streets of love
You will be mine and I will be yours

Kiss the sea, the wind and the moon
I am a sun in naked snow
In all the streets of love
You will be mine and I will be yours

Kiss the sea, the wind and the moon
I am a sun in naked snow
In all the streets of love
You will be mine and I will be yours

You will be mine and I will be yours
You will be mine аnd I will be yourѕ

כל רחובות האהבה

אם אני צבע, אתה קנבס
אם אני גשם, אתה צבע-מים
אם אני מֶלַח, אתה חול לבן
אם אני ים, אתה גאות

אם אני שמים, אתה ענן שנמצא בהם
אם אני כוכב, אתה קסם
אם אני לילה, אתה מאיר בו
אם אני יום, אתה אור הירח

אני קולו של הלב
במכתב שנשלח אל העולם
אני הראי של הרגשות
שנמצא במבט העמוק בעיניך

אני הכל ברגע אחד
גוף מתמסר באהבה
אני הזמן שלא עובר
כשהגעגוע מציף אותי

נשק את הים, הרוח והירח
אני השמש מעל השלג החשוף
בכל רחובות האהבה
תהיה שלי, ואני שלך

נשק את הים, הרוח והירח
אני השמש מעל השלג החשוף
בכל רחובות האהבה
תהיה שלי, ואני שלך

אם אני צבע, אתה קנבס
אם אני גשם, אתה צבע-מים
אם אני מֶלַח, אתה חול לבן
אם אני ים, אתה גאות

אם אני שמים, אתה ענן שנמצא בהם
אם אני כוכב, אתה קסם
אם אני לילה, אתה מאיר בו
אם אני יום, אתה אור הירח

נשק את הים, הרוח והירח
אני השמש מעל השלג החשוף
בכל רחובות האהבה
תהיה שלי, ואני שלך

נשק את הים, הרוח והירח
אני השמש מעל השלג החשוף
בכל רחובות האהבה
תהיה שלי, ואני שלך

נשק את הים, הרוח והירח
אני השמש מעל השלג החשוף
בכל רחובות האהבה
תהיה שלי, ואני שלך

תהיה שלי, ואני שלך
תהיה שלי, ואני שלך

Portugal 2009

Todas As Ruas Do Amor
Eurovision Song Contest 2009 Moscow


  • Ana Sofia Campeã (as member of Flor-de-Lis)
  • Daniela Varela (as member of Flor-de-Lis)
  • Jorge Marques (as member of Flor-de-Lis)
  • José Camacho (as member of Flor-de-Lis)
  • Paulo Pereira (as member of Flor-de-Lis)
  • Pedro Marques (as member of Flor-de-Lis)


  • Pedro Marques


  • Paulo Pereira
  • Pedro Marques


  • Helena Coelho



  • Alexandra Valentim
  • Edgar Canelas
  • Fernando Martins
  • Paula Casanova
  • Ricardo Soler
    Real name: Ricardo Jorge Rodrigues Soler da Costa

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