Bosnia & Herzegovina 1995

Eurovision 1995 Bosnia & Herzegovina:
Davor Popović - "Dvadeset i prvi vijek"

3.6 stars ★ 73 ratings


Eurovision 1995
Music video
BH Eurosong 1995
Audio (English version: "21st Century")



Dvadeset i prvi vijek

Zaledila si more, najluđe valove
I sakrila si bore, prve bore najslađe, od mene

Gdje si ti plavooka, ne teče med i mlijeko
Daleko srce od oka, voli li te neko
Još nosim stari džemper, što si mi isplela
I zauvijek mi srce prepolovila

Kad ulice su puste, tramvaji drijemaju
I kad me magle guste gutaju
Pola srca kuca samo, pola je kod tebe
Kad životu puno damo on nas pojede

Dvadeset i prvi vijek nam draga dolazi
A tebi nema traga
Dvadeset i prvi vijek nam draga dolazi
A sreći nema traga
A sreći nema traga

U krevetu je doručak, a ljubav izvan njega
S tobom je i rastanak, strasniji od svega
Prozor tvoj još gori, svjetionik što ne blijedi
Ja ne znam ko me stvori, da gubim sve što vrijedi

Kad zvijezde nebom pališ, tišina zapjeva
Koliko mi fališ, da li znaš
Ništa mi ne vrijedi, i moj život blijedi
Poput starog blue jeansa

Dvadeset i prvi vijek nam draga dolazi
A tebi nema traga
Dvadeset i prvi vijek nam draga dolazi
A sreći nema traga
A ѕreći nema tragа

The 21st century

You have frozen up the sea, the crazy waves
And hidden the pores, the first sweetest pores from me

Where are you blue-eyed, my life's miserable
Does someone love your heart away from me
I still wear the old jumper you've knitted for me
And forever split my heart

When streets are quiet and tramways asleep
And when the thick fog is swallowing me
Only half the heart is pounding, half's with you
When we give life everything, it eats us alive

The 21st century is coming, my dear
And you're nowhere to be found
The 21st century is coming, my dear
And happiness is nowhere to be found
And happiness is nowhere to be found

The breakfast is in bed, but love is outside it
Farewell with you is most horrific
Your light's still on, like an everlasting lighthouse
Why was I born, when I lose everything I own

When you light up the stars, quietness sings
Do you know how much I miss you
My life is worth nothing
It's decaying, like the old blue jeans

The 21st century is coming, my dear
And you're nowhere to be found
The 21st century is coming, my dear
And happiness is nowhere to be found
And hаppiness iѕ nowhere to be found

Bosnia & Herzegovina 1995

Davor Popović
Dvadeset i prvi vijek
Eurovision Song Contest 1995 Dublin


  • Davorin Popović


  • Sinan Alimanović
  • Zlatan Fazlić


  • Zlatan Fazlić


  • Sinan Alimanović (see Composer)



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