
Eurovision 1972 Malta:
Helen & Joseph - "L-imħabba"

3.9 stars ★ 117 ratings


Eurovision 1972
Music video




Fittixt għorrief, filosfi u poeti
Biex mistoqsija lilhom saqsejt:
"X'inhi l-imħabba kbira taż-żgħażagħ?"
Din it-tweġiba f'qalbi ħassejt

L-imħabba hi bacio, beso, Küsse
Ħaġa li 'l qalbek tmiss u li jsejhulha "kiss"
L-imħabba hi bewsa ħelwa zokkor
Li jimbuttawha x-xofftejn waqt li jingħalqu l-għajnejn

U waqt li l-qalb ittambar bil-ħerqa
U tħoss il-vini jikwu bin-nar
Sew jekk tingħata ċar jew bis-serqa
Fin-nofs tal-lejla, fl-eqqel tan-nhar

Mort sibt il-freaks, Hell's Angels
U l-hippies u l-mistoqsija lilhom tennejt
L-istess tweġiba dejjem ħadt minnhom
U mbagħad fi kliem dawn kollha jien ġejt:

L-imħabba hi bacio, beso, Küsse
Ħaż li 'l qalbek tmiss u li jsejhulha "kiss"
L-imħabba hi bewsa helwa zokkor
Li jimbuttawha x-xottejn waqt li jingħalqu l-għajnejn

U waqt li l-qalb ittambar bil-herqa
U thoss il-vini jikwu bin-nar
Sew jekk tingħata car jew bis-serqa
Fin-nofs tal-lejla, fl-eqqel tan-nhar

L-imħabba hi bacio, beso, Küsse
Ħaż li 'l qalbek tmiss u li jsejhulha "kiss"
L-imħabba hi bewsa helwa zokkor
Li jimbuttawha x-xottejn waqt li jingħalqu l-għajnejn

Kemm it-Taljani u kemm l-Ispanjoli
L-Ġermaniżi, Ingliżi u Maltin
Staqsejthom kollha x'jifmhu bl-imħabba
U it-tweġiba tagħhom hi din:

L-imħabba hi bacio, bewsа, u kisѕ


I searched for wise men, philosophers and poets
So I could ask them this question:
"What is youth's big love?"
I felt the answer in my heart

Love is a kiss, a kiss, a kiss
Something that touches your heart and they call it "kiss"
Love is a kiss as sweet as sugar
That is pushed by the lips while the eyes are shut

And while the heart beats with enthusiasm
And feels the veins burn with fire
Whether it's given straight or it's stolen
In the middle of the night, in the harshest of the day

I went to find the freaks, Hell's Angels
And the hippies and I also asked them my question
I always got the same answer from them
And then in the words of all these I came to:

Love is a kiss, a kiss, a kiss
Something that touches your heart and they call it "kiss"
Love is a kiss as sweet as sugar
That is pushed by the lips while the eyes are shut

And while the heart beats with enthusiasm
And feels the veins burn with fire
Whether it's given straight or it's stolen
In the middle of the night, in the harshest of the day

Love is a kiss, a kiss, a kiss
Something that touches your heart and they call it "kiss"
Love is a kiss as sweet as sugar
That is pushed by the lips while the eyes are shut

The Italians and also the Spanish
The German, English and Maltese
I asked them all what they understood under love
And their answer is this:

Love is a kiss, a kiss and а kisѕ

Malta 1972

Helen & Joseph
English title
Eurovision Song Contest 1972 Edinburgh


  • Helen Micallef
  • Joseph Cutajar


  • Charles Camilleri


  • Albert Cassola


  • Charles Camilleri


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