
Eurovision 1960 Sweden:
Siw Malmkvist - "Alla andra får varann"

3.3 stars ★ 70 ratings


Eurovision 1960



Alla andra får varann

Bara, bara du och jag måste skilda gå var dag
Men alla andra får varann
Varför ska det vara så
Varför drabbas just vi två
När alla andra får varann

Om jag blott vågade fria
Skulle du nog ge ditt 'ja'
Men lyckan får vänta
Tills jag repat mod en dag

Jag på bröllop brukar gå
Men får sitta och se på
Hur alla andra får varann

Kanhända kunde det ordnas
Och sen gick det som en dans
Om man kunde fria liksom förr
Per korrespondens

Yeah… käraste, en vacker dag, kanske ockѕå du och jag
Som alla andra får varаnn

All the others get each other

Only, only you and I have to be apart every day
While all the others get each other
Why does it have to be that way
Why does it have to happen to us
When all the others get each other

If I only had the courage to propose
You would probably give me your 'yes'
But happiness has to wait
Until I've picked up the courage some day

I go to weddings
But I sit and watch
How all the others get each other

Perhaps it could be arranged
And then it would all be easy
If you could propose like they used to
By correspondence

Yeah… dearest, maybe one day, maybe also you and I
Like all the otherѕ, we will have eаch other

Sweden 1960

Siw Malmkvist
Alla andra får varann
Eurovision Song Contest 1960 London



  • Ulf Kjellqvist





Sweden • News

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