Estonia Eesti Laul 2015

Estonia: All 10 finalists chosen

Tonight the last of the semi-finals was held in Estonia. Ten songs were fightning for the last five places in the Estonian final on 21 February

The happy five contestants who qualified to the Final of Eesti Laul 2015 was decided by a 50/50 combination of a professional jury and public televoting. Next saturday the Estonian final of Eesti Laul 2015 takes place.

Eesti Laul 2015 - Semi-final 2 Result

• Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday"
• Triin Niitoja & John4 - "This Is Our Choice"
• Kali Briis Band - "Idiot"
• Daniel Levi - "Burning Lights"
• Luisa Värk - "Minu päike"
Wilhelm - "Light Up Your Mind"
Kruuv - "Tiiu talu tütreke"
Demie feat. Janice - "Kuum"
NimmerSchmidt - "Kellega ma tutvusin?"
Mari - "Kolm päeva tagasi"

Finalists for Eesti Laul 2015

• The Blurry Lane - "Exceptional" Semi-final 1
• Maia Vahtramäe - "Üle vesihalli taeva" Semi-final 1
• Robin Juhkental & The Big Bangers - "Troubles" Semi-final 1
• Elephants From Neptune - "Unriddle Me" Semi-final 1
• Elisa Kolk / Vahur Valgmaa - "Superlove" Semi-final 1
• Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday" Semi-final 2
• Triin Niitoja & John4 - "This Is Our Choice" Semi-final 2
• Kali Briis Band - "Idiot" Semi-final 2
• Daniel Levi - "Burning Lights" Semi-final 2
• Luisa Värk - "Minu päike" Semi-final 2Eesti Laul 2015

7 February 2015: Semi-final 1
14 February 2015: Semi-final 2
• 21 February 2015: Final of Eesti Laul

Eesti Laul has picked the winner for Eurovision Song Contest six times before. This years edition is the seventh Eesti Laul.

10 songs competed in each of the two semi-finals on 7 and 14 February 2015. The best five songs from each semi-final qualified to the final on 21 February 2015.

Which songs to qualify for the final was decided by a 50/50 combination of a professional jury and public televoting.

In the final all the 10 qualifying songs will be performed live, and a 50/50 combination of a professional jury and public televoting will decide which three songs that will go to the next round of the final (super final). The three songs will be performed again in the next round. The winner will be decided solely by public televoting.

Estonia in Eurovision Song Contest

Estonia debuted in 1994 and has been participating in Eurovision Song Contest 20 times since. The only year that Estonia didn't participate in Eurovision since debuting was in 1995, because of the bad result in 1994 (24th place).

Estonia won Eurovision Song Contest 2001 with the song "Everybody". Since the introduction of semi-finals in 2004, Estonia only qualified for the grand final 4 times out of 11 participations.

Eurovision News